Grizzly screen device is known as one of the simplest serands that we intend to get to know in general in this article. Classification of materials in industries is one of the many needs. Sorters are one of the types of devices that classify materials. In sands, coarse materials are classified and smaller materials are generally not classified and go to the lower layers. Because the use of small materials has an effect on the reduction of sand operations.

Also, you have to buy the ones that have very small springs at a very high price. Small spring nozzles are blinded by the particles in the solid material in a very short time. The function and performance of sanders is such that with the movement of a series of solid materials on the sandard, its particles form a special layering. Coarse grain particles move towards the upper part and fine grain particles pass through the coarse particles and go to the lower part to collide with the lower part.


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